Heal your home’s energy for more ease, more flow and less stress, less chaos
Our homes house our bodies
Flowing, balanced energy brings harmony back into our homes and our lives
The energy in our homes can become restrictive, stagnant and unbalanced.
Through clearing any undesirable energy, incorporating the 5 elements using Holistic Feng Shui and correcting and balancing the energy in your home, so your home can be healed and healthy.
It’s not magic, and it’s not your imagination
Home energy healing can bring about real and tangible changes in your life
Energy is everywhere, and we spend a considerable amount of our time in our homes.
Sleeping, eating, working, and socializing can all improve in a home environment with cleansed and balanced energy that inspires and supports all of the occupants (even your pets).
symptoms of negative energy at home
1:1 Home Healing Consultations
Buying, building, renting or living in a home that does not energetically support you can contribute to various problems in your life and your home.
Home is our shelter, solstice, comfort, safety, serenity and sanctuary.
Energy from former occupants, contractors, earth lines, chemicals, EMFs are all prevalent in your home.
This stagnant or undesirable energy can show up as problems with your health, finances, relationships, career, creativity, or in the physical home itself.
face life’s hurdles with greater flow & harmony
Your home is your own personal sanctuary and supportive shelter from the day-to-day busyness of the world
During our lifetime we will all face challenges from time to time, but having the energy in your home supporting you and working with you eases how these challenges can be faced.
You can face life hurdles when they arise in a feeling of more flow and harmony.
Have you been fighting constantly with the love of your life or wondering why that partner has not shown up yet?
Nagging health issues keep arising?
Are you wanting more friendships?
Do you shake your head wondering why you always get passed over for a promotion or a well-deserved raise?
Many times, unbeknownst to ourselves the energy in our homes is contributing to these problems.
How to Heal Negative Energy in a House or Space
Book a free 20-minute consultation call on Zoom or phone. You have questions, and I have answers and solutions. Let’s chat and see how we can work together.
Based on our conversation, I’ll provide you with the best course of action to help with your real estate, Airbnb or home energy clearing & rebalancing.
Through the rebalancing of energy using Holistic Feng Shui, home clearing rituals, integrated wisdom and intentional practices, you can soon feel more energized, healthy and live in greater flow.
free download:
5 healthy energy improvements
Create ease in your life today…within just a few minutes!
It's truly easy to begin to create some ease in your life even if you only have a few minutes a day.
Enter you email address below to receive a 5-step complimentary guide to improve your energetic health. You will be on your way to a bit more harmony, health and ease in your life.

“You may not have chosen your surroundings, but you can choose to find life in them.”
— Morgan Harper Nichols
Meet Maura
I’ve been where you are…
I’ve had times in my life when I longed for close friendships, wanted the fights with my partner to go away, been utterly broke, struggled with addictive behavior and worked in unfulfilling careers.
I tried many solutions and spent considerable sums of money on therapy, coaching, online classes, etc.
Many of these solutions helped for a period of time, but I would eventually slip back into my old repetitive patterns.
I now live my life by clearing and protecting my own energy daily, as well as aligning, balancing, correcting and blessing my home's energy to bring so much more ease, flow and abundance into my life.