Busy Or Balance - You Have A Choice
WHEW! Wow has this year flown by (I do believe I say this every year). As we move towards the end of the year and the holiday season, try to find some time for stillness and reflection. There is so much societal PRESSURE to CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME from now till the end of the year. It’s far too easy to overconsume food, alcohol and gift giving. Too many calories, too much money spent, too much alcohol consumed during the last 2 months of the year, can easily lead to a lot of stress or anxiety come January and I don’t know about you but that is NOT how I want to kick off 2024!
Sit quietly if only for a few moments each day to reflect on what went RIGHT this year. What can you find gratitude for? Honestly, don’t look for HUGE things to be grateful for. Did you get up today? Do you have heat? Do you have food in the cabinets? The simpler the better. I start each morning in bed looking out the window just being grateful that I’m here, its that simple. Thank you for my LIFE/EXISTENCE😊.
Give yourself space to enjoy the simple pleasures of the holidays. For me it will be a year without my sons physically with me, and although that will bring some sadness, it also means my family is evolving and changing and because of technology (another thing to be grateful for), I can still see (thank you Zoom) and speak to them over the holidays.
What are the simple parts of the holidays you can treasure? For me, it’s pecan pie at Thanksgiving, and the cozy feeling of holiday decorations gracing my home during December. It’s sending out holiday cards (makes me feel connected), and picking out simple yet meaningful gifts for my friends and family. It’s giving back to those in need in my local community and being happy I have the means to do so.
I’m choosing to say NO to bringing in any excess into my home (food, gifts, etc.). I’m choosing to say NO to overspending. I’m choosing to say NO to too many social obligations. I’m choosing to say NO to anything that does NOT resonate with me this holiday season. Remember we are energetic extensions of our homes. A home that is balanced and in flow, will make the holidays feel even more uplifting, and less stressful. If WE are overextended and stressed during the holidays, then our home will become overextended and stressed (cluttered, unorganized) as well. LESS is MORE.
Think of natural (mother Earth will thank you), inexpensive (your wallet will thank you) and easy (your brain will thank you) ways to bring the holidays into your home:
- Pinecones w/cinnamon sticks
- Pumpkins/gourds
- Bare branches from outdoors with white twinkle lights
- Essential oils that warm or uplift (cinnamon or peppermint)
- Clean soy candles in white (calm) or red (energy)
- Branches of pine/fir to fragrance your home
Try to ease into the holiday season instead of jumping in head first. Most of all if you do stumble into a moment or period of excess, please FORGIVE yourself. Do NOT shame yourself, or feel guilty. As shame and guilt carry a lower vibration, and forgiveness carries a high ONE. Be well:)