The Awakening……
The Awakening
April begs the question, what needs to come forward in your life? It’s a question I’m deeply pondering myself. In the month of April we can visually see nature coming forward. Birds, flowers, buds on trees all awaken as we enter a new month and season. I was raised Catholic, and although I refer to myself now as spiritual, I still fondly look at Easter as a time of renewal, rebirth and rising up! Photos of the Easter Bunny, memories of my boys searching for easter eggs, and please don’t get me started on my infatuation with Cadbury Mini Eggs (I will admit I have zero willpower around them) will always spread a smile across my face.
So how do we energetically move forward? How does this show up in our personal lives, and in our homes? We have just gone through a lunar eclipse on March 25th, and on April 8th we will go through a massive solar eclipse. Portals that ask us to step forward in our lives. For me personally, I need to move forward and step 100 percent fully into my authentic self. I’ve been straddling that line since the beginning of January 2024, and for me it’s about letting go of what will people think of me! When I can step back, I can clearly see I’m giving WAY TOO MUCH power to others. I’m so wrapped up in the fact of what if people think I’m crazy. Well, what if they do? Are they, my people? Were they ever my people in the first place? If our friends, family and co-workers will not allow us to evolve, grow and change then the issue is with THEM not us. I recently saw a post on social media with the words “Let Them”. I’m thoroughly embracing those two words and perhaps they will become a mantra of sorts.
I know when I step fully forward into my authentic vision for myself, my energetic vibration will rise, and when my energy rises that will ripple into my home and vice versa. To support myself in this BOLD endeavor I can have my home help me out. Cleaning windows is symbolic of a clearer vision. Opening doors and windows to let the fresh air in lets the qi (life force energy flow) move and there is nothing better than moving energy versus the feeling of stuck and stagnant energy. That simple refresh/reset of the home’s energy will energize us to move forward as well. Make small changes, bring in fresh plants, or start a garden (adding growth, expansion and vitality is the wood element energy), add new colors (yellow is associated with intellect, brightness and creativity) to brighten your space and your mindset. Let go of possessions that simply do not hold your interest, that do not light you up or bring you joy. I asked my husband recently if we needed to keep our dogs thunder jacket since it did not work for her. He replied yes, and then said, but I don’t know why…lol. I think his response is one that resonates with so many. I need to keep it, but I don’t have a clue why. If that is your answer then the answer is HELL YES it needs to go. I will donate the item to a local dog shelter where it can hopefully help a dog with anxiety. Letting go of items creates a lightness in our energy, helping us raise our vibration and vision for ourselves.
Exercise if you are called – If something or someone is holding you back from going forward, I encourage you to use the following to help you. Write down the words “Let Them” followed by whatever comes to mind. I just did it myself and it was quite powerful.
Let them……think I’m crazy
Let them……dislike me
Let them… about me.
Let them….exclude me
You will NOT break me.
So, I will ask you again…. what is the one area in your life right now that you need to move forward in? Ponder it, envision it and then take a step toward it. Use your home to assist you!