Murky March Energy

Folklore says March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb!  When I personally tuned into the energy of this March here is what I felt/sensed and heard.

“March is murky, intense and riddled with confusion.  Look right, look left, look up and look down, yet do you even know where you are?  If feels like Alice in Wonderland and Darth Vader went on a date.  Visions of hope, succumb to visions of doom, and yet we must preserve.  Wild weather (can be interpreted many ways) spins you around, and drops your feet upon the ground. Do your best to find your place, and know in the end we will send grace.”

Ok, that is truly a lot to unpack!   Finding our center, our true North is becoming more and more important.  In fact, it is what will keep you going when the world feels untrustworthy, unkind and damn confusing.  Who are YOU?  What do YOU stand for? Can YOU hold a vision for the world YOU wish to live in?  How do YOU want to show up each day?  What will YOU let affect YOU?  These are great journal prompt questions to start pondering and getting clear on.  Do not forget we have choices (even when it seems that what we are externally hearing is a different message entirely). 

I believe starting this month and moving forward we will begin to see the importance of community.  Technology coupled with the pandemic drove us apart, filled many with fear, loneliness and isolation.  Start by getting to know your neighbor, saying hi to people, smiling at people and dare I say strike up a conversation with someone new.  We NEED each other, now more than ever.  Banning together is the direction this planet needs to start undertaking and that doesn’t happen with our phones in our faces.  We can all do our part to form a stronger community.  Simple ways like visiting a farmers’ market, joining a CSA (community supported agriculture), buying local rather than support Tech Giants, donating household items, furniture and clothing to organizations that will more than likely be impacted by disappearing funding are just a few suggestions. WE are more POWERFUL together than separate.

Lastly, I have personally been working on letting go of the labels “good or bad”, black or white”, “right or wrong” and instead leaning into “it just is”.  Basically, complete acceptance of the situation (which doesn’t mean I’m being passive about it).  Just dropping the need to justify to anyone why I feel the way I do, or judging others for feeling the way they do.  I choose to stand back and observe rather than actively engage in what is being played out before me.  Blasting your opinions on social media, or arguing with your partner, friends or family will never change how they feel, nor will it be leaving you feeling victorious.  Letting it all just be exactly how it is supposed to be can bring an inner calm.  Do your part however you feel called, and then let the rest go.  Control what you can control.  Remember to play close attention to how you spend your time, who you spend your time with, what you watch, what you feed your body so that you can keep your energy, vibration and frequency high!  Let’s hope April showers do in fact bring May flowers😊


April Energy Forecast


If they all walk away, will I be ok….