Welcoming BioGeometry as a Tool in my Toolkit.
Happy May! I adore Spring!
I love watching the world awaken right before our very eyes. Each day a new flower pushes through the fertile soil, the grass greens up, the air is filled with rich sweetness, barren trees become adorn with leaves and the birds return to sing. May is a time of beautiful Mother Earth rebirth.
Over the Winter and into this Spring I have been taking classes in BioGeometry. Bio (Life) + Geo (Earth) + Metry (Measurement), very simply put BioGeometry is the measurement of life energy of the earth including all the life systems within in it. I completed both the foundation and advanced trainings, and to say that my mind was completely blown is an understatement. In fact, I don’t remember ever being this excited about any study before. In my humble opinion, BioGeometry can make a profound change in one’s environment and life if they are open to incorporating it.
BioGeometry has given me the tools to make sense of what I was feeling and expand upon that 10-fold. For example, I am sensitive enough to energy that I knew we could not place a shed on our lawn in the place my husband wanted to. What I did now know was the why. When he asked me why, I said I didn’t have a concrete answer I just knew. I get it, it’s hard to believe things you can’t see in plain sight.
During my course study I was provided instruments, that tune into the color bands of energy and detect areas whether on land or in your home that had less than ideal energy emitting/radiating from the earth. With these tools in hand, sure enough that area where my husband wanted the shed lit up as an area with negative green energy (negative green is the band of color that detects detrimental energy), and it was actually my husband that then noticed that our electrical service was running under the ground to our house directly where the shed placement was to have been. These instruments help detect underground electrical currents, underground water, earth radiation and EMF’s. I’ve also been given and shown how to use tools that will transmute this detrimental energy to positive life-giving energy on your land, home and in your body.
I believe this science plays beautifully into what I am wishing to achieve in my quest to heal homes. We thrive in our homes when the energy in them is supportive, flowing and not detrimental to our health and well-being. BioGeometry is a beautiful compliment to Holistic Feng Shui. When used in combination with each other the energy of your home and land will feel uplifting, supportive and beautiful.
BioGeometry also can assist in helping with your human body ailments through what is called BioSignatures. I am NOT making any medical claims, but I have seen personally some health issues improve by incorporating BioSignatues.
Curious to learn more?
You can learn more about the 50-year science of BioGeometry here: https://www.biogeometry.ca/introduction-to-biogeometry.
For more information regarding Biosignatures visit here: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/32508781
I would love to discuss BioGeometry in greater detail with anyone curious about this fascinating science.
Feel free to book through my website for a complimentary 20 minute chat.
Image is from alliscentered.com