A space on how to invite in more ease & flow
Wind, Water & Wisdom Blog

Bring On The Fire!
Welcome 2024, I’ve been waiting for you!
In February we will be moving from 20 years of EARTH energy into 20 years of FIRE energy. It’s time to heat things up, as well as speed things up, and at times this is going to feel like A WHOLE LOT!

Finding Softness & Stillness In December
As the Winter Solstice approaches may we find a place in our lives for stillness. It’s a bustling, busy and often quite stressful time of year, but there is also a softness to it as well if we choose to allow it in. Twinkling lights, flickering candlelight, fresh smelling evergreens, pinecones, cinnamon and warm nourishing food can bring comfort to our souls if we allow them to permeate us.

Connecting To Our Inner Child
In this busy world we live in it can be challenging to find time and ways to connect to our Inner Childe. Here are some practical ideas as well as some Holistic Feng Shui activations and ideas.

Say Goodbye To EMF’s & Earth Radiation In Your Home & Hello To Beneficial Energy That Supports You!
If you think your safe from EMF’s or earth radiation, you are not. I don’t care if you live on a remote mountain top or an island 5G carrier wave will have an impact on you.

Welcoming BioGeometry as a Tool in my Toolkit.
I love watching the world awaken right before our very eyes. Each day a new flower pushes through the fertile soil, the grass greens up, the air is filled with rich sweetness, barren trees become adorn with leaves and the birds return to sing. May is a time of beautiful Mother Earth rebirth.
Over the Winter and into this Spring I have been taking classes in BioGeometry. Bio (Life) + Geo (Earth) + Metry (Measurement), very simply put BioGeometry is the measurement of life energy of the earth including all the life systems within in it. I completed both the foundation and advanced trainings, and to say that my mind was completely blown is an understatement. In fact, I don’t remember ever being this excited about any study before. In my humble opinion, BioGeometry can make a profound change in one’s environment and life if they are open to incorporating it.

Holistic Feng Shui - Why is the energy in our homes and our environment so important?
Here is the short version. In Holistic Feng Shui Energy we believe energy is literally EVERYWHERE. Everything in our environments contain energy, and it affects us every minute of every day whether we are conscious of it or not, and let’s face it, most of us are just far too busy to be remotely aware of the energy we are surrounding ourselves with and moving through daily.
Yet making just simple adjustments in your environment and routines can have a significant impact on us. In this blog we are going to start with just a few easy ways to begin to make small shifts that over time can have big impact on our lives. Energy that flows, is balanced and harmonized can make a home feel relaxed, calm and a place you can’t wait to come home too. It improves our mood which improves our mental state which affects our physical state in a positive way. If you dread opening the door to your home, if your home feels overwhelming, heavy and unpleasant this also affects our mental state which affects our overall physical state in a negative way.

Holistic Feng Shui for a New Airbnb—Activating the Relationship Bagua
In Holistic Feng Shui the relationship bagua is located in the far-right corner of your home.
Recently, I had the pleasure of using Holistic Feng for a new North Carolina Airbnb a couple was launching in a new town. They wanted to use Holistic Feng Shui to create an environment where the guests would feel less stress and tension and instead feel more ease and enjoyment during their stay in their Airbnb.

The 5 Elements of Holistic Feng Shui
In Holistic Feng Shui we incorporate the 5 elements (water, wood, fire, earth and metal) into your home to create more harmony and balance.
We want to ensure there is not too much, or too little of any one element present, and we also want to make sure they are working together (constructive), and not working against each other (deconstructive).
These 5 elements are also found in humans, we each will have a dominant element (sometimes two) that stands out. Have fun reading through the elements and archetype descriptions below and see which one or two resonate with you.