Stepping Into 2025 TRUSTING

Standing at the tipping point of a brand-new year, and I no longer recognize many pieces of myself.  I have zero desire to create a vision board, write down New Year’s resolutions, or even create goals to shoot for.  In fact, when I look forward, I quite frankly have no clarity on where I’m heading quite yet.  I do TRUST I am going in the right direction, and that when the time is right the clear path will unveil itself unto me. This is in STARK contrast to what my social media feeds and promotional emails are currently showing me to do at this moment.  Set goals, plan, project, manifest, dream big, seize the new year, conquer the moon, they thrust in my face, and yet still there is zero resonance, and in fact it feels for the first time ever a bit forced. 

One thing I am doing and committing to this January, which is resonating with me this year is choosing a word of the year.  My word is TRUST.  I am going to choose to firmly put my TRUST in that I’m being led someplace, and to turn off my over processing brain more often, and close the mountain of open computer tabs and just surrender.  That does not mean complete inaction, but more of a tuning inward, listening more than speaking (tough one for me sometimes), feeling my way into things verses forcing my way, and most of all asking for guidance? Whom am I asking?  God, angels, guides as I do think they have been sitting around thinking why the hell doesn’t she just asked us?  What is she waiting for a bus? I’m always left a bit shocked when I quiet my mind, ask a question and I hear a voice back (I mean it’s sort of surreal)!  At first, I use to think it was just my own voice, and I was making this all up (very common), but again I have to go back to the word TRUSTTRUST that what I hear is indeed meant for me.

There are so many words for what I’m experiencing. Awakening, ascending, evolving, but I no longer really care about what to call it.  It’s a journey.  A journey feels right, a journey into places I have avoided most of my life because I was not ready to go there.  I was not prepared to go there.  Suddenly its easier to bring up the shadows, acknowledge, forgive, heal and release.  I can help you go there when you are called. 

I’ve come up with a new direction for my work.  Let me know your thoughts.

Healer Of Our Homes: Intuitive, empath, healer and magic maker.  I believe in healing our homes.  Our bodies, our physical homes, the land and the seas are all homes.  I am a healer of our homes.  I balance and harmonize energy, opening a clear path to healing.


If they all walk away, will I be ok….


What are you birthing?