What are you birthing?

I pulled an oracle card asking for the message for December, and the card I pulled was “cosmic womb”.  Such a fitting message for the month of December, as in December, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Also, as time moves faster and faster, I feel like the energy of January 2025 is already here on our doorstep, and we are in the gestational stage of birthing something new.

If I had to garner, next year on the world stage will be a LOUD and at times an intense year, but if we shut out that external noise, can we go inside ourselves and see what is calling personally to us?  What feels old, tired, worn out or worn down?  Are there areas in your life that use to excite you, now appear to be dulling?  Take notice, as this is a sign of your ENERGY upleveling.  When we ascend to a higher vibration, all sorts of people, beliefs, traditions, locations and vocations can start to shift, change, evolve and even disappear as they begin to resonate less and less with who you are becoming.  This can feel a bit unsettling, as the familiar shifts into a new landscape.  Seek out others who are on the same road for reassurance, and know in your heart you are not alone on this journey.

It takes courage, strength and resilience to forge another way forward rather than the same old, same old.  To listen to that bubble of insight that appears out of thin air, and then swallow down the fear and TRUST it.  I’m aware we are not all wired this way, but if you are following me then there is a very good chance you are indeed wired this way. In the last few years, I have forged ahead on a road that I’m still not sure where it is going.  I’ve had to really learn to believe that I am heading where my heart and soul need me to head.  I need the word TRUST tattooed on me, but I also deeply believe I will not be lead astray.  I may need to make some U-turns, or I may not, but when you listen to your heart/soul it becomes very challenging to go back to the old ways you were living.

It’s not for the faint of heart to make radical moves, and one does not need to.  In fact, what if you are wanting to birth into creation a meditation practice, joining a group of like-minded people, starting a group for like-minded people, beginning a writing practice (hello Substack), walking more, time spent in nature more, the opportunities to ascend do not need to be made in leaps, for many it will be small, intentional, meaningful movements.  We all bring an upleveling frequency when we shift in small ways, and when we shift, we raise up not only our energetic vibration, but the energetic vibration of planet earth.

We are in a new era, thank you Pluto into Aquarius, and out of Capricorn!  This new energy supports innovation, collaboration, community and so much more.  Is it calling you?  If ever there is a time to find stillness, I feel it is December.  Yes, there is so much going on outside of us (shopping, parties, gift giving, festivities) which is all the more reason to go inward to find that spark in you that says I’m here, let’s go this way and see what unfolds for us.  Give yourself that quiet GIFT of hearing your inner voice, higher self and then honoring it and acknowledging it.  You don’t have to act just yet; remember you are birthing this!

May the stillness of the night sky in December wrap you in velvet comfort.  May you honor the beauty of the season, not the busyness of the season. 


Stepping Into 2025 TRUSTING


Bud, bloom, change, decay, repeat....